woensdag 26 augustus 2009

Miss Fashionista - Miss Universe 2009 Edition

Miss Fashionista

1. Japan, Emiri Miyasaka – J-POP culture is undeniably the best style nowadays. There’s always a modern appeal in her outfits.
2. Ireland, Diana Donnelly – Always looking perfectly dolled up. She put efforts into looking like she just stepped out of a magazine every single day.
3. Singapore, Rachel Kum – Trend-setting Oriental beauty. Hip is her signature style!
4. Germany, Martina Lee – She can wear anything and give it an edge. (Dressed by Laurisa)
5. Kosovo, Marigona Dragusha – She’s always a vision in her high fashion clothes.

zaterdag 22 augustus 2009

Misses during the Float Parade Bahamas

Laurisa dresses spotted during the Float Parade Bahamas part of the Miss Universe 2009 presentation.

Miss Universe Netherlands Avalon Chanel spotted during the float parade wearing Laurisa.

Miss Universe Germany Martina Lee wearing Laurisa during the Float parade Bahamas.

maandag 17 augustus 2009

Misses Universe dressed up by Laurisa

Miss Universe Misses spotted wearing Laurisa dresses and Caftans.

Miss Universe Germany Martina Lee Wearing a dress by Laurisa at the Dinner.

Miss Universe Netherlands Avalon Chanel Weyzig wearing a dress by Laurisa

Avalon Chanel wearing a Luxury Caftan by Laurisa

Miss Universe Netherlands Avalon Chanel wearing a Luxury Caftan by Laurisa

Martina Lee wearing a Luxury Caftan by Laurisa

maandag 10 augustus 2009

Brandenbrug Tor / Gate in the Bahamas.

The Dutch and Aruban designers Cora and Greg were chosen to design the National Costume and the evening gowns for Miss Universe Germany 2009 Martina Lee.

It was not difficult at all to come with a brilliant idea and concept for the National Costume.

Photo: Otto van den Toorn / Dressed by Laurisa.

All the tourists around the World visiting Germany want to take a picture of the historic Gate well known by different presidents. Even the famous words " ich bin ein Berliner " make the designers to chose the Brandenburg Tor / Gate to represent Germany during the Miss universe National costume competition.

The Brandenburg Tor symbolizes the peace after the fall of the wall between the Western and Eastern part of Germany. The reunion between the East end the West can be as an example for the world peace.

The Brandenburg Tor is the freedom gate and the designers wanted to bring the Gate to the Bahamas. Martina Lee symbolizes the uncountable tourists that took the time to visit the gate and take some great pictures for family and friends at home.

The Brandenburg Tor is pictured on many postcards and sent to all parts of the world telling friends and family how great the vacation in Germany was.

The dress that Martina is wearing with the Brandenburg Tor is the typical Bavarian costume The Dirndl the designers took great care of modernizing this ethnic cultural dress and redesigned it to meet the demands to match the Brandenburg Tor.

Martina Lee was very happy with the creations made by Cora and Greg.

" it is a great honour for me as a Dutch Aruban designer to design the National Costume for Miss Universe Germany " Greg quoted.

The designers Cora and Greg has spent many hours working on the dresses and the National Costume and the are sure Martina will be noticed in her Haute Couture dresses by Laurisa.


Morgana Huib Heldens www.morgana.nl
Neptune Martin Mast www.neptune.nl
Widam R.M. Wagemakers www.widam.nl
Laintex Bernard Laintex Weesp

Jan and Roy Evenboer Broek in Waterland www.evenboer.nl

zondag 2 augustus 2009

Miss Universe Martina Lee - Paradise Island Bahamas

Dortmund-Germany, August 2, 2009 – Martina Lee left to the Bahamas the Paradise on earth. Miss Universe Germany 2009 Martina Lee has requested her favorite designers Greg & Cora to design her gowns for the Miss Universe pageant. Dutch Aruban co-designers Greg and Cora provided Martina with excessive luggage weight consisting of evening gowns and Luxury Caftans & Blouses and the National Costume for the finale.

Dressed by Laurisa / Photo: Otto van den Toorn

Laurisa Inspired will be providing Miss Universe Germany Martina lee with the Evening Gown and a National Costume for her participation in the Miss Universe pageant on the islands of the Bahamas.

The National Costume election will take August 10, 2009 at the Wyndham hotel.
The grand finale will take place on August 23, 2009 and will be broadcasted live by some tv networks.

Laurisa inspired – designers Cora and Greg wish Martina Lee all the best of luck in the Bahamas.

Miss Universe Netherlands 2009 - Wooden shoes for Bahamas

Schiphol Airport- Netherlands, Saturday August 1 2009 – Miss Universe Netherlands Avalon Chanel has left for the Bahamas.

Dutch Aruban designers Greg and Cora have made the National Costume, the special event dresses and the evening gowns especially for Avalon. Avalon hopes she can win the ultimate title of Miss Universe for the Netherlands with these beautiful creations.

Dressed by Laurisa / Photo: Otto van den Toorn

On Saturday August 1 2009 Avalon departed for the Bahamas feeling self assured after a long and intense period of preparations. After only a few weeks of hard work all the dresses and the National Costume are finally done. The theme of the National Costume has been chosen by Greg and Cora. For now the theme shall remain a surprise. The designers Greg and Cora are certain that this amazing design will not disappoint the Netherlands.

The intense program for the Miss Universe pageant shall commence from the moment Avalon steps out of the plane in the Bahamas. During this period of time Avalon will have the opportunity to promote the Netherlands in the many interviews she shall have with the international media.

Important dates:

- On August 10 the election of the National Costume shall take place.

- On August 23 the Miss Universe pageant shall be transmitted live on tv from the beautiful island of the Bahamas.

‘I’m really looking forward to wearing these beautiful gowns and I’m sure that the public shall be amazed as well’ says Avalon Chanel, Miss Universe Netherlands.

zaterdag 1 augustus 2009

Miss Universe Nederland Avalon Chanel naar de Bahamas


Schiphol-Nederland, zaterdag 1 augustus 2009 – Miss Universe Nederland Avalon Chanel vertrokken naar de Bahamas.
Arubaans Nederlands ontwerpers duo Greg en Cora hadden special voor deze verkiezing de Nationaal Kostuum en de special events dresses, evening gowns ontworpen voor Avalon. Met deze creaties hoopt Avalon die ultieme titel van “Miss Universe” voor Nederland te behalen.

Dressed by Laurisa / Photo Otto van den Toorn

Op zaterdag 1 augustus 2009 vertrok Avalon na een intensieve voorbereiding zelfverzekerd het vliegtuig in op weg naar de Bahamas. Na enkele weken van harde werken zijn alle jurken en het Nationaal Kostuum klaar. Het thema van het Nationaal Kostuum is zorgvuldig uitgekozen door Greg en Cora. Het zal nog even geheim blijven hoe prachtig deze creatie bij Avalon zal staan. De ontwerpers Greg en Cora zijn er zeker van dat Nederland kan rekenen op een geweldig ontwerp.

Het zware programma van de Miss Universe verkiezing vangt aan zodra Avalon het vliegtuig uitstapt. Tijdens deze periode zal Avalon de kans krijgen om Nederland te promoten tijdens verschillende interviews voor de Internationale media.
Belangrijke data:
Op 10 augustus zal de Nationaal Kostuum verkiezing worden gehouden.
Op 23 augustus zal de Miss Universe live gekozen worden op tv vanaf de Paradise Island Bahamas.

“Ben heel erg blij dat ik jullie prachtige jurken mag dragen, ik zal iedereen daar ook gaan verrassen !” volgens Avalon Chanel.

Het Laurisa team wenst Avalon Chanel heel veel plezier en succes in de Bahamas.